Sunday, April 28, 2024

Talking to guest Thomas Pascal - 04/28/2024

Hello everyone! 2024 is well underway and finally I bring the show back on air via audio like tradition. The show can be heard live at 10pm this Sunday at these two station links:
Tonight we will have the first 35 minutes of me bringing everyone up to speed on what's been going on and why it's taken so long to get back on air. But the show is now under way again and hope it goes without interruption from here on out. But we shall talk about this and much more including news during the show.
After we come back from break I'm having on the first guest of 2024 the one and only Thomas Santo Pascale who was on the PSN Radio network in the past as a host of the show "America Strong Patriot Talk Show" and still hosts his show but it's time he goes from host to guest. Now he's going to find out what it's like to become a voice Inside Tha Jackals Head.
Make sure you check out the main site for myself and the show.

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