Saturday, May 25, 2024

Trump speaks in the BRONX NY!

Former President Trump holds a campaign rally in the Bronx, New York. Another successful rally up north after an amazing showing in New Jersey days before Trump does it again and now the left is in full panic mode, and it's clear that Trump is in full support in places normally all Blue in past recent major elections. IF Trump turns NY from Blue to RED folks it's a wrap for the election and he wins in a landslide, and creepy Joe knows this much. He's now trying to make it so the debate he said he would have with Trump doesn't happen. 

JOE and his long list of "Debate Demands!" Which is a joke since it's a debate and this dirtbag makes "DEMANDS" and refuses 1 Demand by Trump which is simple. "Let's get drug tested..." Something WE ALL want to see happen as we all know Joey Crack is the one who lost his bag of cocaine at the white house. The bag brought by son Hunter and this is what the mainstream doesn't want to tell you. Like how they swept the Laptop under the rug.

But we all know what happened there... 

While Trump had a great day at the Bronx! Biden Shredded Over Tweet Claiming ‘We Leave No Veteran Behind’ President Joe Biden is being criticized again for a tweet posted to his X account claiming that his administration leaves “no veteran behind” ahead of the Memorial Day observance. Users took to the platform to bash Biden over his chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, while others pointed out that U.S. veterans are homeless throughout the country while his administration is facilitating an ‘invasion’ of illegal immigrants, many of whom are being put up in hotels and other shelters.

“You forgot about them, didn’t you. We didn’t,” one X user responded, along with the photos of 13 U.S. military members killed in a suicide bombing just a few days before the last troops left Afghanistan. “Joe Biden abandoned 13 U.S. service members to die in Afghanistan. He’s lost his right to ever speak about our military again,” conservative commentator Paul A. Syzpula noted. “DISGUSTING Joe Biden Checks His Watch During The Dignified Transfer Of 13 American Heroes Killed By His Incompetence,” another account noted. “13 dead young warriors at Abby Gate would like a word,” conservative writer and veteran Buzz Patterson added. “More veterans will die this year awaiting treatment by the VA than have died in combat this entire century,” added another user. “How many homeless veterans are there? How many illegal aliens are receiving cash, food and housing from you?” said another. Still another added: “Uh-oh. Last time he spoke like this, he abandoned our hostages in Gaza.”

A gold star father who lost his Marine son in the final days of the war in Afghanistan in a suicide bombing during the chaotic withdrawal ripped Biden on the anniversary of the tragic incident. Mark Schmitz, whose son, Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, was killed in the Kabul airport attack in 2021, blamed Biden during an interview on Fox News Channel’s “The Story” with Martha MacCallum after the current president attempted to lay the blame at the feet of his predecessor, Donald Trump. “The advisers were telling Biden not to do what he was going to do. He flat-out ignored it, simply for, I believe, that September 11 original date that he wanted to have as the deadline and moved it up to the 31st,” Schmitz said. “And then turns around and has the audacity to blame Trump for everything." Eleven Marines, two U.S. Army soldiers, and a Navy Corpsman were killed Aug. 26, 2021, along with around 150 Afghans when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest outside the international airport on Kabul. At the time, critics shredded Biden for putting U.S. troops in a nearly impossible situation as they were both inundated with Afghans attempting to flee the incoming Taliban troops while trying to provide security for their own personnel.

Biden remarkably called the operation a “success,” but Schmitz rejected that. “There were so many incredible mistakes made during this entire situation, starting with Bagram. The fact that I sat there and listened to Biden boast about this being a success, the only [thing] he said right there was the bravery of our men and women that were over there, they were tasked with something completely impossible,” he told MacCallum. “It’s just it’s disgusting. There’s been absolutely no one who’s taken responsibility for any of the bad decisions that were made. And that starts at the very top and goes all the way down the list,” he added.