Sunday, September 8, 2024

Joined tonight by Tom Pascale [09-08-2024]

Hello again! Time for another adventure inside my dark mind... First hour tonight I introduce a new voice inside this head which is an old voice from another show I once had both on PSN Radio and Dark Matter Digital with ART BELL as the owner at the time. But when we come intro on this episode I will introduce this new member who will join me from time to time to guest co-host and be an animated and never censored voice. 

After this however we will have a return of the first guest I had on when I brought the show back this year... The one and only our good friend Thomas Pascale for some more political talk. Thomas Pascale who was on the PSN Radio network in the past as a host of the show "America Strong Patriot Talk Show" and still hosts his show but it's time he goes from host to returning guest.

Now he will find out how it is to become a returning guest into the darkness that is INSIDE Tha Jackals head.

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